Check out our users' Testimonials here.
Very few things are as rewarding as receiving wonderful emails and screenshots from our users. The RA Panels have made thousands of photographers, makeup artists, and retouchers around the world happy, productive and profitable since their first release in 2013!
We'd Love To Hear From You!
If you're ever inspired to give your opinion, please feel welcome to share any feedback you might have!
Your input is invaluable as it guides us in planning, designing, and creating educational materials and tools that better serve your needs.
Your valuable testimonials allow other creative professionals to determine if our courses and retouching panels are the right fit for them as well.
If our RA panels have been indispensable in your retouching workflow, or if our courses have helped to enhance your retouching skillset, we’d love to hear your story!
🎁 Upon sharing your testimonial, keep an eye out on your mailbox. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll receive a set of 3 beauty images photographed by Julia Kuzmenko McKim and Michael Woloszynowicz for your retouching practice. Thank you!
Submit Your Testimonial Here
Get Featured on Social Media
We collect our users shared posts and stories to feature on our social media pages. Use #RApanels hashtag in your social media posts, testimonials, images, and screenshots on Facebook and Instagram if you'd like for your work to appear on our pages.
Tag our @retouchingpanels page when posting the images retouched with our panels - we feature our users' work every single day at @retouchingpanels!